Representative Jeff Pittman - Kansas House District 41
Jeff brings years of working with business, budgets and a wide variety of stakeholders. Jeff sees a bright future for Kansas but that requires work and the right people making the right decisions. Jeff has the Kansas family values to represent local issues at the state level.
Important Issues
Pro Jobs and Business: Jeff Pittman has the business expertise, ideas and smarts needed to make the best choices for an innovative growth.
Common Sense Strong Kansas: Representing traditional Leavenworth values of fiscal responsibility, taking care of our neighbors, representing our veterans and all those in our security based community.
For Education: Kansas needs to move to a brighter future where fiscal responsibility and education are a priority. Jeff Pittman invests in education because our children are the foundation of our future.
Family Focus: Jeff brings Kansas values, values formed early on by his parents who grew up in an agricultural community where hard work and ingenuity were important; later by the church learning humility, humanity and respect for others; and through life experiences of how to better oneself while also caring for others.